Latest News
Whistleblowing and Enforcement

Whistleblowing and Enforcement

The Woodsure team offer clarity on whistleblowing and what is happening with enforcement of the Ready to Burn scheme

Ready to Burn – Brand Guidelines

Ready to Burn – Brand Guidelines

Brand guideline must be followed when using the Ready to Burn Certification Logo. A clear and distinctive identity has been established for Ready to Burn; following these guidelines ensures that customer can easily identify that your fuel is compliant with legislation.

Dorset Council Trading Standards Partnership

Dorset Council Trading Standards Partnership

Woodsure is working in conjunction with Dorset Council Trading Standards to raise awareness of the Ready to Burn scheme.

Small Firewood Supplier (Forester) Update

Small Firewood Supplier (Forester) Update

The deadline for small firewood suppliers to comply with The Air Quality (Domestic Solid Fuels Standards) (England) Regulations 2020 is on 30th April 2022. The legislation applies only for the purposes of combustion in domestic premises in England.

Burn Better

Burn Better

Defra has launched its Burn Better, Breath Better campaign for the 2023/24 heating season.

Woodsure appointed by Defra to run Ready to Burn certification scheme

Woodsure appointed by Defra to run Ready to Burn certification scheme

Woodsure, the non-profit organisation striving to raise the quality of woodfuel in the industry, has been appointed by Defra to run its Ready to Burn certification scheme.

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Ready To Burn Severn House Unit 5 Newtown Trading Estate Green Lane Tewkesbury GL20 8HD