About the scheme
This new law restricts the sale of wet wood sold in volumes under 2m3 (i.e. two dumpy bags) and makes it easier for consumers to identify and buy dry wood that’s certified as Ready to Burn and therefore ready for immediate use without further drying.
Where consumers buy their fuel in bulk, suppliers will be required to provide an advisory notice that the wood requires further drying before use.
The Ready to Burn mark is also applied to Manufactured Solid Fuels (MSF). Authorised fuels are certified by HETAS to carry the certification mark and included on the list of authorised fuels for England by the Secretary of State on

Apply now
There are a few routes to achieving certification on the Ready to Burn scheme for firewood, briquettes, kindling, pellets and woodchip.
- Businesses supplying over 300m³ wood fuel per annum
- Businesses supplying up to 300m³ wood fuel per annum
- Charities and Not For Profit Organisations supplying up to 300m³ wood fuel per annum
- Group Scheme registration

Existing Wood Fuel Suppliers
Here you can access your account where you can check your details and update your profile.
HETAS and Woodsure can provide expert advice on applying for certification and using Ready to Burn fuels.
If you’d like to know more please get in touch.